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Operations Supervisor - Supply Chain/Logistics



Lilburn, Georgia, US

1 month ago
No degree mentioned

Job highlights


Esurig that all customers feel valued, ackowledged, ad compesated is a must. Proficiecy i maagig the key accoutabilities. Demostratig the capability to maitai a puctual ad pereial attedace schedule as set by the orgaizatio. Compliace with the dress code guidelies plays a sigificat role i creatig a positive first impressio. cliets ad colleagues. Displayig the ability to lear ad comply with all compay policies, regulatios, stadards, ad guidelies. Proficiecy i uderstadig ad respodig proactively to guidace from superiors ad colleagues withi the orgaizatio. The capacity to build strog relatioships with colleagues ad iteract productively i a team-based eviromet is a valuable asset i today's workplace. Demostratig the ability to thrive i a fast-paced work area, hadlig multiple resposibilities efficietly ad meetig set progress milestoes. Ability to successfully complete the compay's traiig programs ad meet the learig objectives. Fudametal abilities i math ad laguage, clear ad readable writig, ad rudimetary computer proficiecy. Skilled i operatig ad commuicatig via various frequecy gadgets, scaers, ad other specialized techological equipmet based. istructios. This role demads flexibility i workig hours, with work required to be doe durig weekdays, weekeds, ad ights. Meet the Physical Requiremets described whe udertakig your resposibilities. The ability to frequetly lift objects that weigh 50 pouds or less ad occasioally employ the aid of aother perso to lift heavier objects is compulsory. The cadidate should be able to hadle tasks that ivolve frequet bedig, twistig, reachig, liftig, graspig, pushig, ad pullig. Possessig the ability to sustai vertical posture ad/or take steps for the etire duratio of a pre-set work schedule (which should be. Ability to edure exposure to chagig weather coditios, humidity levels, ad other exteral factors while performig job tasks such as curbside assistace, truck uloadig, ad others


Achievig these outcomes requires robust operatios maagemet. We believe i the power of iclusivity, actively seekig out team members with diverse backgrouds ad experieces to help us better uderstad the uique eeds ad iterests of our customers. About the RoleI this role you will provide directio ad supervise associates to support a sales drivig culture while focusig. creatig a cosistet customer experiece. You will egage ad coect with our customers by providig excellet customer service through our hospitality metality approach. You will offer iformatio to the customer. curret merchadise assortmet, store promotios ad evets, ad execute operatioal processes effectively ad efficietly. Your goal is to coect with the customers to solve their shoppig eeds makig everyoe feel respected, appreciated ad rewarded. The Shop C3 Program is specifically desiged to optimize your Sales, Hospitality, Operatios, People ad Coversio. Key holders must also moitor the customer experiece to esure that all customers are satisfied with their experiece at the store. Drive sales. Drive sales ad boost your profits by creatig a ivitig atmosphere that ecourages customers to add more to their basket. A well-supplied sales floor evokes a sese of reassurace for customers. Provide icetives for cosistet ad high-quality customer service, creatig a culture of excellece amog employees. Small but thoughtful touches such as persoalized welcome otes, complimetary ameities, ad persoalized recommedatios ca make a huge differece i customer satisfactio. Provide assistace i the sales floor, fittig room, poit of sale, ad operatioal processes, i accordace with the compay's stadards. Improve the efficiecy ad productivity of associates by istructig them. how to optimally perform the Omi ad Freight flow processes. Use Social Proof. Provide multiple chaels to cater to differet customer prefereces ad create a effortless buyig experiece. The successful implemetatio of BOPUS, BOSS, MLS, ad SFS is just oe example of our dedicatio to operatioal excellece. Evaluates associates' output ad provides feedback joitly with Assistat Store Maager/Store Maager. Do ot forget to metio the various paymet optios available, icludig olie, i-store, ad mobile. Hadles the processes of coversio, usealig ad activatio of Kohl's Card applicatios. Offer persoalized solutios that address the customer's uique eeds ad prefereces, showig that you have their best iterests i mid. Demostrate ackowledgemet ad support our patros through the implemetatio of our busiess stadards. Combiig excellet commuicatio ad multitaskig skills while maagig trasactios accurately will make for efficiet ad ejoyable customer iteractios. OPRs ca provide valuable isights ito the performace of a busiess, but it's importat that busiesses carefully choose ad track the metrics that are most relevat to their operatios. Attetive ad affable i addressig questios ad appeals. Nurture, educate, ad promote the professioal growth of our associates. To fulfil the requiremets of this job, a associate must perform the essetial duties listed below, ad others that may be assiged. The employer reserves the right to adjust this job descriptio as required. less tha 8 hours). The talet to check the accuracy of iformatio through visual meas ad locate ad examie products. The effectiveess of wearig a face mask or other protective gear to reduce the risk of ifectio


  • $18.10 is the iitial pay you will receive for this positio

    Job Description


    Job Descriptio: Kohl's seeks to foster customer loyalty, elevate the i-store experiece, ad create a ivitig retail eviromet. Achievig these outcomes requires robust operatios maagemet. We believe i the power of iclusivity, actively seekig out team members with diverse backgrouds ad experieces to help us better uderstad the uique eeds ad iterests of our customers. Together, we work to trasform the shoppig experiece ad set ew stadards for excellece. About the RoleI this role you will provide directio ad supervise associates to support a sales drivig culture while focusig o creatig a cosistet customer experiece. You will egage ad coect with our customers by providig excellet customer service through our hospitality metality approach. You will offer iformatio to the customer o curret merchadise assortmet, store promotios ad evets, ad execute operatioal processes effectively ad efficietly. Your goal is to coect with the customers to solve their shoppig eeds makig everyoe feel respected, appreciated ad rewarded. Key Accoutabilities: • The Shop C3 Program is specifically desiged to optimize your Sales, Hospitality, Operatios, People ad Coversio. • Key holders must also moitor the customer experiece to esure that all customers are satisfied with their experiece at the store • Drive sales • Drive sales ad boost your profits by creatig a ivitig atmosphere that ecourages customers to add more to their basket • A well-supplied sales floor evokes a sese of reassurace for customers • Provide icetives for cosistet ad high-quality customer service, creatig a culture of excellece amog employees • Small but thoughtful touches such as persoalized welcome otes, complimetary ameities, ad persoalized recommedatios ca make a huge differece i customer satisfactio • Provide assistace i the sales floor, fittig room, poit of sale, ad operatioal processes, i accordace with the compay's stadards • Improve the efficiecy ad productivity of associates by istructig them o how to optimally perform the Omi ad Freight flow processes • Esurig that all customers feel valued, ackowledged, ad compesated is a must. • Use Social Proof • Provide multiple chaels to cater to differet customer prefereces ad create a effortless buyig experiece • The successful implemetatio of BOPUS, BOSS, MLS, ad SFS is just oe example of our dedicatio to operatioal excellece • Evaluates associates' output ad provides feedback joitly with Assistat Store Maager/Store Maager • Do ot forget to metio the various paymet optios available, icludig olie, i-store, ad mobile • Hadles the processes of coversio, usealig ad activatio of Kohl's Card applicatios • Offer persoalized solutios that address the customer's uique eeds ad prefereces, showig that you have their best iterests i mid • Demostrate ackowledgemet ad support our patros through the implemetatio of our busiess stadards • Combiig excellet commuicatio ad multitaskig skills while maagig trasactios accurately will make for efficiet ad ejoyable customer iteractios • OPRs ca provide valuable isights ito the performace of a busiess, but it's importat that busiesses carefully choose ad track the metrics that are most relevat to their operatios • Attetive ad affable i addressig questios ad appeals • Nurture, educate, ad promote the professioal growth of our associates To fulfil the requiremets of this job, a associate must perform the essetial duties listed below, ad others that may be assiged. The employer reserves the right to adjust this job descriptio as required. • Proficiecy i maagig the key accoutabilities • Demostratig the capability to maitai a puctual ad pereial attedace schedule as set by the orgaizatio. • Compliace with the dress code guidelies plays a sigificat role i creatig a positive first impressio o cliets ad colleagues. • Displayig the ability to lear ad comply with all compay policies, regulatios, stadards, ad guidelies. • Proficiecy i uderstadig ad respodig proactively to guidace from superiors ad colleagues withi the orgaizatio. • The capacity to build strog relatioships with colleagues ad iteract productively i a team-based eviromet is a valuable asset i today's workplace. • Demostratig the ability to thrive i a fast-paced work area, hadlig multiple resposibilities efficietly ad meetig set progress milestoes. • Ability to successfully complete the compay's traiig programs ad meet the learig objectives. • Fudametal abilities i math ad laguage, clear ad readable writig, ad rudimetary computer proficiecy. • Skilled i operatig ad commuicatig via various frequecy gadgets, scaers, ad other specialized techological equipmet based o istructios. • This role demads flexibility i workig hours, with work required to be doe durig weekdays, weekeds, ad ights. • Meet the Physical Requiremets described whe udertakig your resposibilities. Physical Requiremets: • The ability to frequetly lift objects that weigh 50 pouds or less ad occasioally employ the aid of aother perso to lift heavier objects is compulsory. • The cadidate should be able to hadle tasks that ivolve frequet bedig, twistig, reachig, liftig, graspig, pushig, ad pullig. • Possessig the ability to sustai vertical posture ad/or take steps for the etire duratio of a pre-set work schedule (which should be o less tha 8 hours). • The talet to check the accuracy of iformatio through visual meas ad locate ad examie products. • The effectiveess of wearig a face mask or other protective gear to reduce the risk of ifectio. • Ability to edure exposure to chagig weather coditios, humidity levels, ad other exteral factors while performig job tasks such as curbside assistace, truck uloadig, ad others. Preferred Qualificatios: • The activity is exclusively ope to idividuals who are of legal age, which is 18 years or older. • The aptitude to express ideas ad beliefs fluetly i both writte ad spoke form, while demostratig persuasiveess i commuicatio. • Heraclitus said it best: The oly thig costat is chage. Curiosity remais our uchagig urge to lear ad grow. • A firm commitmet to recogize diversity ad cotribute to fosterig a iclusive workplace. $18.10 is the iitial pay you will receive for this positio.