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Diverse Lynx

Livingston, NJ, US

6 days ago
No degree mentioned

Job highlights


Provide desktop systems ad user support to esure required computer capabilities are available to all users. Develop ad provide systems ad software traiig to the ed-users


  • Moitor performace ad maitai systems accordig to requiremets

    Job Description


    Resposibilities: • Istall ad cofigure software ad hardware o ed poit devices. • Maage etwork servers ad techology tools. • Respod to Cliet to support requests. • Set up accouts ad workstatios. • Moitor performace ad maitai systems accordig to requiremets. • Troubleshootig of software ad hardware issues. • Esure security through access cotrols, backups ad firewalls. • Upgrade systems with ew releases ad models • Develop expertise to trai staff o ew techologies. • Build a iteral wiki with techical documetatio, mauals ad IT policies. • Provide desktop systems ad user support to esure required computer capabilities are available to all users. • Develop ad provide systems ad software traiig to the ed-users • Istall, cofigure, test, maitai, moitor, ad troubleshoot ed-user workstatios ad related hardware ad software for local ad remote Diverse Lyx LLC is a Equal Employmet Opportuity employer. All qualified applicats will receive due cosideratio for employmet without ay discrimiatio. All applicats will be evaluated solely o the basis of their ability, competece ad their prove capability to perform the fuctios outlied i the correspodig role. We promote ad support a diverse workforce across all levels i the compay.